Saturday 3 January 2015

When Is a Conservatory Not a Conservatory…?

…when it is a motorcycle workshop of course!  If my poor mum was alive…well, first off she wouldn’t allow this…which is why my dad has got away with turning his conservatory at the rear of his home into an indoor garage cum workshop.  Well done that man!

Plywood board screwed into the fabric of the house…  20150103_100815

Kitchen door on the left…bathroom window doubles as a place to Sellotape wiring diagrams to!20150103_100824

The table has been turned into a tool storage facility…20150103_085905

…and in the other corner next to the patio doors to the bedroom we have a trestle type table with ‘stuff’ on it and a make shift paint spraying area where the seat pan is…oh and not forgetting the exotic Italian in the middle of the room!20150103_085916

In my last blog you will have seen/heard the engine jump into life due to the magic performed by my brother-in-law Leon.  The replacing of the wiring will take some time yet as and when we are both available to do it.  Picture one shows all the cabling I have recently purchased in 3 different amperages.  So when Leon finishes the wiring it will be a brand new loom.

We have had a little rethink on the seat pan that we had made up…basically 2mm sheet cut to shape.  It seems likely that using that pan will foul the rear tyre under full rebound so we are going to use the original seat pan which has a great big cut out in it for this very reason, thereby allowing the tyre to move through its full range of movement.  Below you will find a photo of the style of seat I initially wanted, sort of a flat tracker style in brown with a tuck and roll cover…


…however, with the original Moto Guzzi seat pan on the bike I don’t think I can replicate the flat tracker style due to the very obvious shape.  Here is the seat as it was originally on the donor bike before I dismantled it…



…and how it is now mocked up on the bike.  Because of the change of plans and the fact that we have cut off the mounting point for the original seat catch a basic bracket was fabricated at the rear end which will be partly covered from the rear most point of view by the re-imagined rear light and  number plate assembly.  I shall have to drill a hole either side of the seat pan to connect it with a bolt that will go through the side panel mounting bracket.


The seat pan will sit upon the rails when it is in its final position.  The pan itself does have a natural raise in its profile.20150103_091949


This is roughly…very roughly…how the rear light and number plate holder, when fabricated, will be positioned.20150103_091924

Any suggestions in relation to how I might still achieve the flat tracker look from the seat will be gratefully received. 

Happy 2015 to you all!!!!

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