Sunday 10 August 2014

No Steps Forwards, Two Steps Back…

Not much in the way of progress for the last few weeks what with holidays, birthdays and general commitments elsewhere.

I had to remove the fork sliders from the stanchions in order to put the fork oil.  This is for lubrication purposes only and has no effect upon damping.  I originally thought I could dribble it in from the top of the stanchion with the fork nut removed but it wouldn’t drain down.  One slider came off okay along with the damper assembly but the other took some shifting as the fork cup got wedged in the bottom of the slider.  A friend came to the rescue and is re-powder coating the slider as I marked it trying to remove the cup myself.  Anyway, one fork is completely assembled with the correct 70ml of fork oil in it and the other will be done as soon as the powder coat is complete.

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20140808_103610 The only real move forward this month has been the purchase of a decent sump lift to replace the rusty caravan step I had been using to support the bike.  I have put oil in the sump, bevel drive and gearbox also.

I got the lift from a German retailer and have been really impressed with their price, service and the quality of the lift.

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The plan is to start tackling the wiring again in a couple of weeks and hopefully be able to connect up the battery and try and start the little goose!


  1. Bought a 1979 V50 last weekend, which has not run since 1992 and have a similar project in mind. Really excellent blog and is giving me ideas for my own project. Great stuff!!

  2. Thanks Chris for your nice comments! It's been a long project this as I only really get a couple of hours on a Saturday to work on it what with kids, work and other commitments. Hopefully a video will go up in the next few weeks showing the bike running...hopefully! I would be really interested in your progress with your V50.

  3. I am also planning to take some time with my far I have been concentrating on getting the electrics working, the engine turning over and the plugs sparking...success with all 3 so far. There is a lot to do though as the carbs are completely gummed up and all 3 brake calipers have seen better days! I am looking at changing the switchgear and also putting a proper front brake master cylinder on rather than the linked set up....any suggestions? Keep up the work can't wait to hear it fired up! chris

  4. Hi Chris

    Pleased you have had success with what you have done so far, especially the must be good to know that you have done what's needed for it to fire up when you get the chance. I thought I would not enjoy the wiring...think I have committed that to the blog somewhere...but I am actually like replacing broken/worn connectors, soldering, etc...yet I still don't know if it will actually start as yet.

    I actually enjoyed stripping and rebuilding the brake calipers and all the refurbishment kits are out there but the cost does start to add up if you need pistons for instance. I initially wanted to remove the linked set up but heard good things about it so decided I would modify my riding style instead. As someone who always uses the rear brake 'cos that's how I was taught, the linked system makes sense to me. Having said that I haven't used it in anger.

    I am really hoping to try and at least attempt to start her by Christmas. My next job is to remove the throttle cables as I noticed that there was a lot of play in them but eventually realised that they are too long as I have gone to clip-ons rather than the standard bars. So once the throttle cables are replaced and I have tidied the left hand switchgear wiring and charged the battery I think I may be in a position to give it a go. Fingers crossed.
